Zechariah Chapter 9

Prophecies against neighboring nations
Zion is urged to rejoice for the coming of Messiah
Victory is promised

Zechariah Chapter 1

Zechariah’s exhortation
Vision of the horses
Promises to Jerusalem
A vision of horns and carpenters

Haggai Chapter 2

Haggai encourages the people
Greater glory of the second temple
A promise to Zerubbabel

Haggai Chapter 1

Time of Haggai
Haggai reproves the people’s indifference
Haggai urges the people to build the house
God’s Assistance promised

Habakkuk Chapter 1

Habakkuk’ s Complaint
Habakkuk is shown the fearful vengeance of the Chaldeans
Habakkuk’s questions

Nahum Chapter 1

Nahum’s burden
The majesty of God in goodness to his people
God’s Severity against enemies

Micah Chapter 7

Goodness has disappeared
God Is the Source of Salvation and Light

Micah Chapter 5

The Promised ruler out of Bethlehem
His Kingdom and conquests

Micah Chapter 3

The princes’ cruelty
Falsehood of the prophets
Security of both

Micah Chapter 2

God’s judgements against oppression
Condemnation of injustice
Promise of Jacob’s restoration

Micah Chapter 1

Micah show God’s anger against Jacob
Micah urges mourning

Jonah Chapter 1

Jonah sent to Nineveh
Jonah’s flight to Tarshish
The storm

Amos Chapter 9

Certainty of Israel’s desolation
Restoration of David’s tabernacle

Amos Chapter 8

A basket of summer fruit types the nearness of Israel’s end
A famine of God’s word threatened

Amos Chapter 7

Judgments diverted by Amos’ prayer
A sign of Israel’s rejection
Amaziah complains about Amos