Main Index

Just a note. If you found this site and find it useful then that’s great. I started this as a way to study and to work on websites at the same time. I removed all the thee’s thines and thou’s because I find it harder to read. This project is a lot bigger than I thought it would be mainly because as I am learning to do better websites I am wanting to go back and fix the work I have already done. Right now I am working on a topical index for each book starting with Genesis. Keep checking back to see when I am done.

If you will take a look at the Law of Language then it will give you an idea what I am trying to do. I am wanting a better view of the Bible through their eyes, with a better understanding of the Jewish culture.

Name Chapters
Genesis  50
Exodus 40
Leviticus 27
Numbers 36
Deuteronomy 34
Name Chapters


Judges 21
1st Samuel 31
2nd Samuel 24
1st Kings 22
2nd Kings 25
Isaiah 66
Jeremiah 52
Ezekiel 48

12 Minor Prophets

Name Chapters
Hosea 14
Joel 3
Amos 9
Obadiah 1
Jonah 4
Micah 7
Nahum 3
Habbakkuk 3
Zephaniah 14
Haggai 2
Zechariah 14
Malachi 4
The Songs Of Solomon8
1st Chronicles29
2nd Chronicles36