My Study Bible

Category: Marriage


From When a Jew Celebrates In the Bible and the Talmud there were two separate ceremonies Connected with marriage. There was the ceremony of betrothal

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Birth Control

From Jewish Marriage pages 21-22 The woman’s  position regarding birth control emanates directly from extreme sensitivity of the Torah The first five books of the

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Husband (The Legal Obligations)

Jewish Marriage (A Halakhic Ethic) The Husband has ten essential obligations. Briefly, they are as follows: to sustain his wife to provide adequate clothing to

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Husband & Wife

The act of marriage creates certain rights and duties between husband and wife. In performing them both parties have to conduct themselves according to the

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Husband & Wife (Cohabitation)

From the Encyclopaedia Judaica 8:1122 The Husband’s duty to cohabit with his wife stems from biblical law (Exodus 21:10) and he is obliged to do

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Marriage (Hasdic View)

The Hasdic Anthology page 24 Rabbi Isaiah Kalman Halberstadt said: “We read in the Talmud (Taanith 30b): Said Rabban Simeon ben Gamaliel: ‘There were no

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Marriage (the concept)

In Jewish teaching, marriage , is the ideal human state and is considered a basic social institution established by God at the time of creation.

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“Menstrous Woman” According to Jewish law, a woman is forbidden to maintain sexual relations with her husband during and for sometimes both before and after

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Shalom Bayit

From the Jewish Marriage page 41 – 44 Shalom, as the word which is used to describe “peace”, relates in a fundamental sense to the

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The Tradition Of Marriage

The first of the 613 mitzvoth (commandments) in the Torah is“peru ur-vu” (Be Fruitful and multiply). Judaism sanctifies every dimension of human experience from birth

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The Wedding

A wedding celebration is considered a sacred time in Jewish culture, enriched with deep tradition and meaning. During the Torah reading, the groom is respectfully

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Womens “Place”

Jewish Alternative in Love, Dating and Marriage by Pinchas StolperPage 77-78 98% of the first book of Genesis, is devoted to narratives describing the creation

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