My Study Bible

Category: Word Definition


(From Easton’s Bible Dictionary) plural of Baal; images of the god Baal (Judges 2:11; 1 Samuel 7:4).

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A method or doctrine dealing with cases of conscience and the resolution of questions of right or wrong in conduct.

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a: discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation. b: the Platonic investigation of eternal ideals

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adjective 1a. designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone < a body of ~ legal doctrine b. of or relating to a small

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The history of a linguistic form (as a word) shown by tracing it’s development since it’s earliest recorded occurrence in athe language where it is

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To explain, interpret, fr. ex-the geisthai to lead – more at SEEK  an explanation or critical inter operation of a text.

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Ketuvim (Writings)

The third section of the Tanakh, also known as the Hebrew Bible, is an impressive compilation of various writings with a wide range of themes

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From the Encyclopaedia Judaica 10:988 The first biblical reference to the “brook” Kidron occurs in connection with Davids ABsalm (II Sam. 15:23) In the time

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A collection of water A pool or bath of clear water, immersion in which renders ritually clean a person who become ritually unclean through contact

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Nevi’im Prophets

Nevi’im (the Prophets section of the Bible) presents Israel’s history as a nation on its land.

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Peace – Shalom

Search just this page Taken from the Encyclopedia Judaica Volume 13:195 – 196 Wholeness and Well-Being in the Bible the verb shalem, in both the

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n: the quality of state of being penitent: sorrow for sins or faults

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Prerequisite n: something that is necessary to end or to the carrying out of a function – prerequisite adj.

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The Encyclopaedia Judaica 13:1182 contains a fascinating analysis that provides extensive evidence of an increasingly common trend towards the conversion to Judaism during the Second

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Proselytes (law of conversion)

From The Encylopaedia Judacia 13:1183-1184 The procedure, established by the tannaim, according to which a non-Jew may be into the Jewish faith, was elucided as

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From the Encyclopaedia Judaica 14:73 Repentance is a Prerequisite n: something that is necessary to end or to the carrying out of a function –

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Ru’ah ha-Kodesh (name for God)

From the Encyclopaedia Judaica 14:365 רוח הקודש A more problematical use of the term Ru’ah ha-Kodesh is when in some way hypothesized, or used as

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The Law (/ˈtɔːrə, ˈtoʊrə/; Biblical Hebrew: תּוֹרָה‎ Tōrā, “Instruction”, “Teaching” or “Law”) The first five books of the Bible or also called “the books of

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