My Study Bible


מְגִלַּת אֶסְתֵּר

“The Scroll of Esther”

This brilliant book, The Book of Esther, showcases the victorious journey of dispersed Jews during the reign of the Persian king Ahasuerus. Despite facing Haman’s nefarious plottings, our heroic characters remained determined and rooted in their faith. The story exemplifies the miraculous ways in which God’s hand was continuously at play. Every character, even the villainous Haman and the pliable Ahasuerus, played a pivotal role in this profound narrative. Mordecai’s skill and Esther’s beauty are just a few examples of God’s providence. The true heroine of this story, however, is Esther. Her unwavering strength and faith are evident in her willingness to risk her life and position for her people in their time of need. The Book of Esther inspires us to stand firm in our beliefs, even when faced with daunting challenges, and to trust in the will of the divine.

The Author

The authorship of the Book of Esther cannot be determined with certainty. Scholars have attributed it to various individuals, such as Ezra, Joiakim, Mordecai, and men of the Great Synagogue. However, there is merit in ascribing the book to Mordecai, as he is a significant character and has personal knowledge of the events described. The book is not a work of fiction or romance, but a historical account documented by specific dates. It is dated according to the reign of Ahasuerus, commonly believed to be Xerxes I of ancient times. Modern excavations at Shushan have corroborated the accuracy of the author’s account, indicating personal knowledge of the depicted people and events. Despite being aggressively attacked for its nationalist and vengeful spirit, the Book of Esther offers truths that can edify the soul of those humbly relying on the Spirit of God to learn. The more one studies the story, the more profound truths they will uncover, comparable to gold nuggets.