My Study Bible

The Book Of Daniel


From the time period of 2nd Kings 23 -25 & Ezra 1 – 4 approximately 606 – 530 BC

The Book of Daniel is a timeless masterpiece, full of gripping tales of heroism and divine intervention. It constantly reminds us of the power and love of God and has brought comfort and inspiration to countless believers over the centuries. The story of Daniel and his friends, who remained unwavering in their faith despite intense pressure to conform to the norms of their pagan surroundings, is a testament to the strength and courage that God can bestow upon those who trust in Him. The dramatic deliverance of Daniel from the lions’ den and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace serve as a reminder that God is always with us, even in our darkest hour. The book also teaches us invaluable lessons about the dangers of arrogance and materialism and how they can ultimately lead to downfall. Let the Book of Daniel be a source of inspiration and motivation as we navigate the challenges of our own lives and strive to follow God’s plan for us.

The Book of Daniel is a powerful reminder of the prophetic nature of history and the hope we have in God’s ultimate plan. The visions given to both pagan rulers and prophets reveal a clear trajectory of the rise and fall of empires, leading to the establishment of God’s Kingdom. Today, as we face challenges and uncertainties, the themes of heresy, tribulation and judgment are more important than ever. Yet, the Book of Daniel offers encouragement and reassurance that these struggles are not in vain. As we study this text, we can be confident that God’s promises will be fulfilled just as they were in the past. Let us be inspired by Daniel’s unwavering faith and trust in God, and look forward to the fulfillment of His plan with hope and anticipation.

About the author

The Book of Daniel, included in the canon of both Judaism and Christendom, purports to be authored by Daniel in the 6th century BCE. However, modern scholars believe that the book was actually written during the time of the Maccabees around 165 BCE, although the identity of the author(s) remains unknown. It is commonly believed that the book’s purpose was to uplift and empower the faithful during times of persecution. To create the impression that it was written by the actual Daniel, the book was issued under the pseudonym of Daniel, although there is no historical evidence to support this theory.