Tag: Jehovah speaks

Genesis Chapter 1

Creation of heaven and earth
Sun moon and stars are created
Man in made in the image of God
The appointment of food

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Genesis Chapter 8

The waters abate
The ark rest
Noah goes forth
God promises to curse the earth no more

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Genesis Chapter 12

The call of Abram
Departure for Canaan
Abram’s visit to Egypt
Abram, Pharaoh and the Plagues

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Genesis Chapter 17

Renewal of the covenant
Abram’s name changed
Circumcision instituted
Sarai’s name changed
Abraham’s house circumcised

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Genesis Chapter 25

Abraham’s sons by Keturah
Death of Abraham
Birth of Esau and Jacob
Sale of Esau’s birthright

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Genesis Chapter 26

God’s Promise to Isaac
Dispute with Abimelech
God appears to Isaac at Beersheba
A Covenant

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Genesis Chapter 35

Jacob moves to Beth-el
Jacob builds an altar
Jacob becomes Israel
Benjamin is born
Rachel dies
Death and burial of Isaac

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Exodus Chapter 4

Staff of Moses
Moses’ leprous hand
Aaron’s appointment
Moses’ message to Pharaoh

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Exodus Chapter 14

Instructions to the Israelites
Passage of the Red Sea
Pharaoh’s army drowned

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Exodus Chapter 20

(the commandments)
No Other Gods
Remember the Shabbath
Honor Father and Mother
Idolatry forbidden
The altar

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Exodus Chapter 21

Setting forth the judgements
Teachings for cursers of parents
Eye for an eye
Teachings for an ox that gores

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Exodus Chapter 22

Judgement for stealing of animal
Teachings for idolatry
Causing Suffering to any widow or fatherless child
Teachings on usury

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