Esther Chapter 1

Feast of Ahasuerus
Vashti Refuses to come
Vashti’s punishment

Esther Chapter 2

A choice of virgins
Mordecai discloses a plot against the king

Esther Chapter 4

Morning over the kings decree
Esther sends to Mordecai
Esther appoints a fast

Esther Chapter 6

The king hears Mordecai’s record
Mordecai is honored above Haman

Esther Chapter 7

Esther sues for her people
Esther accuses Haman
Haman is hanged

Esther Chapter 8

Mordecai is advanced
The decree against the Jews is reversed
Joy of the Jews

Esther Chapter 9

The Jews kill their enemies
Haman’s sons hung
The feast of Purim is instituted