Daniel Chapter 1
Time of Daniel
Daniel and other princes are selected by Ashpenaz
Their wisdom
Time of Daniel
Daniel and other princes are selected by Ashpenaz
Their wisdom
Nebuchadnezzar forgets his dream
It is revealed to Daniel
Daniel’s interpretation
Daniel is advanced
Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges God’s dominion
Nebuchadnezzar relates a dream
Daniel’s tells the meaning of the dream
The dream fulfilled
Impious feast of Belshazzar
Handwriting on the wall
Daniel’s interpretation
Belshazzar is killed and Medes
Daniel is made ruler of the presidents
A conspiracy
Daniel thrown into the lions’ den
Daniel ‘s deliverance
Daniel’s vision of the Ram and the he goat
Days of sacrifice
The vision interpreted
Daniel’s confession
Daniel’s prayer for Jerusalem
The seventy weeks foretold
Overthrow of Persia by Greece
Conflicts between other kings and nations
Impious tyranny of Rome
Michael, the great ruler,to deliver the deliver the Israelites
Daniel’s information of the times