My Study Bible

Category: Exodus

Exodus Chapter 4

Staff of Moses
Moses’ leprous hand
Aaron’s appointment
Moses’ message to Pharaoh

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Exodus Chapter 5

Pharaoh rebukes Moses and Aaron
Israel’s tasks increased
Murmurings against Moses and Aaron

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Exodus Chapter 20

(the commandments)
No Other Gods
Remember the Shabbath
Honor Father and Mother
Idolatry forbidden
The altar

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Exodus Chapter 21

Setting forth the judgements
Teachings for cursers of parents
Eye for an eye
Teachings for an ox that gores

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Exodus Chapter 22

Judgement for stealing of animal
Teachings for idolatry
Causing Suffering to any widow or fatherless child
Teachings on usury

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Exodus Chapter 32

The molten calf
Moses reminds God of his promise
Moses breaks the tables
The idolaters slain

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Exodus Chapter 33

The tabernacle moved
God talks to Moses in the tabernacle
Moses prays for God’s presence
Moses asks to see God’s glory

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Exodus Chapter 34

The tablets renewed
God’s covenant
After 40 days Moses brings the tables down from the mount

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