My Study Bible

Category: Genesis

Genesis Chapter 1

Creation of heaven and earth
Sun moon and stars are created
Man in made in the image of God
The appointment of food

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Genesis Chapter 12

The call of Abram
Departure for Canaan
Abram’s visit to Egypt
Abram, Pharaoh and the Plagues

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Genesis Chapter 17

Renewal of the covenant
Abram’s name changed
Circumcision instituted
Sarai’s name changed
Abraham’s house circumcised

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Genesis Chapter 19

Lot entertains angels
Lot’s escape to Zoar
Cities of the plain destroyed
Birth of Moab and Ammon

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Genesis Chapter 24

Abraham seeks a wife for Isaac
Servant’s visit to the east
Rebekah chosen
Isaac meets Rebekah

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Genesis Chapter 25

Abraham’s sons by Keturah
Death of Abraham
Birth of Esau and Jacob
Sale of Esau’s birthright

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Genesis Chapter 30

Rachel’s envy
Jacob’s children
Rachel has a son
Jacob’s dealing with Laban
Jacob’s policy to enrich himself

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Genesis Chapter 35

Jacob moves to Beth-el
Jacob builds an altar
Jacob becomes Israel
Benjamin is born
Rachel dies
Death and burial of Isaac

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Genesis Chapter 37

Joseph’s dreams
Conspiracy of Joseph’s brothers
Joseph sold to Ishmeelites
Joseph sold into Egypt

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