I would like to express my gratitude for your interest in this website. I initially conceived this project as a dual-purpose tool for studying and website development. However, I have removed all the archaic language because I find it more challenging to comprehend. As I progress in my website-building skills, I am motivated to revisit and improve my existing work. Currently, I am focused on creating a topical index for each book, beginning with Genesis. Please keep checking back for updates on my progress.
If you are interested in understanding my vision, I recommend reading the Law of Language. It provides valuable insights into my goals. My objective is to gain a deeper comprehension of the Bible from the perspective of the Jewish culture, fostering a more profound understanding.
Bob Gould
Name | Chapters |
Genesis | 50 |
Exodus | 40 |
Leviticus | 27 |
Numbers | 36 |
Deuteronomy | 34 |
Name | Chapters |
24 | |
Judges | 21 |
1st Samuel | 31 |
2nd Samuel | 24 |
1st Kings | 22 |
2nd Kings | 25 |
Isaiah | 66 |
Jeremiah | 52 |
Ezekiel | 48 |
12 Minor Prophets
Name | Chapters |
Psalms | 150 |
Proverbs | 31 |
Job | 42 |
The Songs Of Solomon | 8 |
Ruth | 4 |
Lamentations | 5 |
Ecclesiastes | 12 |
Esther | 10 |
Daniel | 12 |
Ezra | 10 |
Nehemiah | 13 |
1st Chronicles | 29 |
2nd Chronicles | 36 |
At this point I am only including the books of Maccabees but may add more later
Name | Chapters |
1st Maccabees | 16 |
2nd Maccabees | 15 |