Nineveh overthrown
2:1 He that scatters abroad has left your face: keep the strong hold, Look out at the road, gird your loins, gather much courage.
2:2 Because YAHWEH יְהֹוָה
Hebrew Yəhōwā, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. It is considered one of the seven names of God in Judaism and a form of God’s name in Christianity. Covenant making covenant keeping GOD. For more info click here has returned the pride of Jacobיַעֲקֹב
(/ˈdʒeɪkəb/; Modern: Yaʿaqōv (help·info), Tiberian: Yaʿăqōḇ; Arabic: يَعْقُوب, romanized: Yaʿqūb; Greek: Ἰακώβ, romanized: Iakṓb) the name Yaʿaqōv יעקב is derived from ʿaqev עָקֵב “heel”, as Jacob was born grasping the heel of his twin brother Esau. (later called Israel) for more info click here, like the pride of Israel: for the plunderers have plundered them , and destroyed their vine branches.
2:3 The shield of his warriors have become reddened, his soldiers are colored scarlet: the chariots [glisten] with flaming torches on the day he is prepared, and the cypress trees will be terribly shaken.
2:4 The chariots will rage in the streets, they will bang one against another in the plazas: They will seem like torches, they will dart around like lightning.
2:5 He will remember his mighty men: but they will stumble as they walk; they will hurry to [defend] its wall, and the defense will be prepared.
2:6 The gates of the rivers will be opened, and the palace will be melted.
2:7 the queen will be led away captive, she will be brought up, and her maids mourning like the voice of doves, beating on their hearts.
2:8 But Nineveh had been like a pool of [still] water from her olds days: but they will flee away. Stop!, stop!, they’ll cry; but no one pays attention.
2:9 Ya’ll take the plunder of silver, take the plunder of gold: because there is no limit of the store. To sweep clean every precious vessel!.
2:10 She is emptied, and breached: and her heart is melted, and knocking knees , and pain in all loins, and the faces of them all have gathered blackness.
2:11 Where [is] the lion’s den, the feeding place of the young lions, where the lion, the great lion, , and the lion’s cub walked, and none made them afraid?
2:12 The lion tears in pieces to provide for his cubs, and choking [prey] for his lionesses, and has filled his lairs [with] prey, and his dens [with] torn carcasses.
2:13 See, I [am] against you, says YAHWEH יְהֹוָה
Hebrew Yəhōwā, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. It is considered one of the seven names of God in Judaism and a form of God’s name in Christianity. Covenant making covenant keeping GOD. For more info click here of hosts, and I will burn her chariots in the smoke, and the sword will devour your young cubs: And I will eliminate your prey from the earth, and the voice of your messengers won’t be heard anymore.
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