“On the fifteenth day of this seventh month (five days after Yom Kippur) the festival of Sukkoth (shall be celebrated) seven days unto the Lord. “
(Leviticus 23:34-36)
The High Holy day season culminates with the joyous festival of Sukkoth, known to many as the “Feast of Boothsסֻכָּה
çukkâh, sook-kaw’; feminine. booth (rude or temporary shelter) For more info on the festival click here.” It marks a significant transition from the solemnity of previous holidays to a more celebratory atmosphere. The historical significance of Sukkoth lies in the biblical account of Israelites’ departure from Egypt, their covenant with God at Mount Sinai, and their dwelling in thatched huts, eager to enter Canaan. In Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy, Sukkoth is named as the final festival, marking the end of the Exodus process. Today, the celebration of Sukkoth involves home observance and special synagogue worship, including reciting the Hallel and reading special portions from the Torahתּוֹרָה
Tōrā,/ˈtɔːrə, ˈtoʊrə/; “Instruction”, “Teaching” or “Law”) The first five books of the Bible or also called “the books of Moses” comes from an archery term meaning to shoot.. The tradition also includes building a sukkah and carrying the Four Species. Overall, each festival of Passoverפֶּסַח
also called Pesach (/ˈpɛsɑːx, ˈpeɪ-/)is a major Jewish holiday, one of the three pilgrimage festivals, that celebrates the Biblical story of the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt. Pesach starts on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan which is considered the first month of the Hebrew year.and lasts 8 days For more info click here, Shavuot, and Sukkoth carries its unique flavor, customs, and traditions, ultimately bringing us together in celebration.
Sukkoth is a festival that extends for nine days, with the first two and last two considered major observance days, while the five intermediate days are of secondary importance. In Israel, the festival is observed for eight days, with the larger celebration limited to the first and last days. The sukkah is the focal point of the festival, which means “covering” or “shelter.” Historically, the Israelites lived in temporary dwellings during their journey through the Sinai desert. Sukkoth observance entails living in a sukkah for seven days, primarily for eating and study, but some people also sleep in their sukkahs. Sharing meals with others is also an integral part of the festival. Overall, Sukkoth is a festival of thanksgiving and unity, promoting shared heritage and the joy of celebration.
Taken from the book “Celebration The Book Of Jewish Festivals“
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